Char design - Pink hair shiny girls with gouache

Estos días estuve dibujando muchachitas de cabello rosa y con mucho brilli-brilli.

Quería practicar con gouache, me resulta interesante usar pocos colores y crear caras con el mínimo de trazos posibles, son pinturas muy pequeñas y eso me obliga (o ayuda) a conseguirlo. Sigo usando rotuladores, sobretodo dorados, y experimentando con la purpurina 

Aquí os dejo a mis chicas brillantes 🖤

These days I was drawing girls with pink hair and with a lot of brightness.

I wanted to practice with gouache, I find it interesting to use a few colors and create faces with as few strokes as possible, they are very small paintings and that forces me (or help me) to achieve it. I keep using markers, especially gold, and experimenting with glitter 

Here I show you my bright girls 🖤
